Orchid project

Did you know Egypt has one of the highest rates of FGM (Female genital mutilation) / FGC Female genital cutting) in Africa?

In Egypt approximately 87.2% of girls and women between the ages of 15 - 49 have had to undergo FGM/ FGC.

"Almost all girls and women in Egypt (96%) undergo FGM/ FGC before the age of 12. The majority of girls (64%) undergoFGM/ FGC  between the ages of nine and 12."

Source: Orchid Project and UNFPA-UNICEF

FGM/FGC doesn't just happen in Egypt, it is a brutal practise that still happens globally.

"FGM/FGC  affects over 200 million women and girls around the world. It is a global issue that occurs in over 90 countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East and within diaspora communities worldwide. Only 30 countries report national data about how many girls and women have been cut."

Source: Orchid Projet

"The main practitioners are health providers. Since at least 2008, there has been an increase in the medicalisation of FGM/ FGC in Egypt. The 2015 Health Issues Survey shows 79% of girls from 0-17 underwent procedures carried out by health professionals."

Source: Orchid Project and UNFPA-UNICEF

Since 2008 FGM/ FGC has been illegal in Egypt, yet enforcement is inadequate, and convictions are rare. Due to this many very young girls and women still undergo this procedure. In Egypt the most practised forms of FGM/ FGC are TYPE 1 and TYPE 2. 

We (Cara and Nicky) feel very strongly about FGM/ FGC and believe as many people as possible should be educated about this. This is an unnecessary procedure that must end. After this procedure girls are traumatised, live a life in pain and discomfort and some even die after the procedure due to complications. FGM/ FGC also causes complications in childbirth and can often result in the baby being still born or the death of both the baby and the mother.

When you book one of our sacred retreats, we will donate 5% of our profits to the Orchid Project. 

To find out more about the Orchid Project and FGM/ FGC please click HERE.