Online courses

Exciting news!!......We have finally got round to launching our ONLINE COURSES

We love the Egyptian Goddesses and it's our mission to share our knowledge and passion with as many people as possible. 

We are starting with a 4-week introduction to Sekhmet starting in September and an 8-week deep dive into Sekhmet, starting in October. Both online zoom courses will be very different and there won’t be lots of duplication but there will be lots of knowledge and magic shared! We are trying to keep and groups small and intimate so there are only 8 spaces available for each course! But if there is no space for you on the course this time, don't worry, we will be running it again! Each week our group will meet once a week via zoom for an hour or more, to work through our carefully crafted program of learning about this beautiful, fierce, empowering Goddess. 

We have kept our prices accessible and because its online you can do it from the comfort of your own home! You'll also have access to the recorded zooms to go back and rewatch whenever you want. 

If you would like to check out our online courses, please click HERE or select them from the menu at the top on the page.

More Goddess workshops to follow - Isis coming soon!

Many blessing, Cara and Nicky x